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Squad Gymnastics - Painting Gymnasts

Before Covid and lockdowns I was very lucky to have the opportunity to sketch alongside Christina Carton (Photography) as very talented squad gymnasts trained at Harrow School of Gymnastics. It's been a great opportunity for me to improve my sketching from life, especially movement and also to get better acquainted with gymnastics as a whole for my figurative art.

As you can imagine, it's a busy place, every square inch taken up with mats and equipment, gymnasts tumbling by and flying through the air. What I capture at the time are gestures, the atmosphere, the drills, the friendships and fun. With the fantastic help of Christina's photos I flesh out those sketches turning them into watercolours and hopefully quite a few will make it to bigger more considered artworks.

It's been pleasure to freeze these precious fleeting moments in time. To capture talent, perseverance, hard work and dedication. A huge thank you Graham at Harrow School of Gymnastics for making all this possible.


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